15 Things to Put in a Care Package (13th Edition)

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

  1. decorative tin
  2. magnifying glass
  3. pogs
  4. pedometer (You will need to make sure the one you send can be reset, because the box will shake!)
  5. A “ Flat Stanley”  (Alternative: Make a “flat” version of your friend and take pictures of it at all the local sights. Maybe you can convince them to visit for real!)
  6. pompoms
  7. Temporary Tattoos
  8. Ribbon Stick
  9. Some Bike Bling (i.e. A bike horn, bike streamers, bike lock, bike basket )
  10. Spiralgraph
  11. Scrapbook supplies
  12. Charms for a charm bracelet
  13. Viewmasters/view finders (You can even make you own reels!)
  14. Old Keys
  15. A Tangram

PS I am just in love with print, aren't you? You can get one of your own at the Etsy shop Restyle Handz

PPS Want more ideas for what to put in a care package? Look at the older care package ideas lists, or see care packages I've sent.


  1. That print is absolutely amazing! As a kind I was obsessed with my view-master. I would seriously just site there for hours just looking though it!

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  2. o0o0 i do love this print! love the look and feel of it... has a bit of a retro flare :) Hugs from California! xx,
    The Golden Girls

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  3. Love the bike bling idea! This will be a great care package for my cousin who's going to college! PS. I'd love it if you could visit my blog and follow me if you like it!! :)


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  4. You have a super cute blog! I hope you will visit mine too! Take care!



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  5. omg pogs i remember those!! hahha


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  6. I just LOL'd so hard at pogs. I had like 5 because my mom thought they were dumb and I could make my own. She was right...BUT THEY WERE SOOOOO COOOOLLLL.

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