In July, Why Don't You...

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Customers seated at an unidentified ice cream and soda fountain, Seattle
Photo credit: The University of Washington Collection
Zoom about on a zipline

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Split an ice cream Sunday- 1 bowl; two spoons!

Wear sunscreen

Organize your closet

Go on a road trip

Buy fireworks

Paint your front door

Play a game of badminton

Try the local produce at a farmers' market


  1. so, buying fireworks in CA was illegal (and impossible, or maybe I just didn't know where to go?) but them seem PLENTIFUL in the South, and I've always been wanting to buy my very own and set them off! I'm headed to Memphis to spend the weekend with a good friend, so hopefully we can find one. hope you have a great holiday weekend, Kristian!!

    ♥ perfectly Priya

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    1. Good luck shooting off fireworks, Priya!

  2. We're going on a trip and wearing lots of sunscreen, so that's two off the list! :-)

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  3. Since I've been wanting ice cream everyday sharing is probably a good idea! :) Love these lists- I do want to zipline sometime!

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  4. We have a farmer's market that's 2 miles from us! I can literally ride my bike to it on Saturday mornings. All I need to do is carry some money with because it's something I pass by every weekend.

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  5. this is a great list! that organizing the closet one reallyyyy needs to be done, but i hate organizing so much lol

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  6. FARMERS MARKETS ARE THE LITERAL BOMB. They make me explode with happiness. :D


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  7. Produce at the farmers' market is the best!

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  8. I have been slathering on the sunscreen lately! 100 degree dry heat + almost translucent skin = lots of sun protection. I can't wait to see your new hair on your blog, I'm just waiting for it ;)

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  9. you do the best lists. Other than our MX trip, we've been mostly staying in working during the days, but trying to get out and walk around lately once the sun is down but it's still light out. We've never experienced daylight savings before, and so it's crazy that it's not dark till after 8:30 now here. And, ziplines are the best! My dad and his friend built my brother and I a (very) mini, very rustic one as kids, so many fun memories.

    Reply Delete
    1. Thank you for all your great comments today. They made my afternoon!

      Yeah, as a kid going to bed at nine and it still being sort of light out was hard!

      Your dad sounds like a good one; how fun to make that!


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