In March, Why Don't You...

Monday, March 2, 2015

Susan B. Anthony (LOC)

Photo of Susan B. Anthony from the Library of Congress

Celebrate International Women's day by reading a biography of a famous woman

Frame a sample of wall paper to use as art

Get a Pen Pal

Call that friend you've been meaning to catch up with

Schedule a tune-up for your car

Serve up some shish-kabobs

Visit a local monument

Snap an Instagram of you and your best friend

Visit a greenhouse 


  1. I love these lists! Calling a friend is such a good one- I've been trying to do that more lately with friends I haven't seen in a long time, and those conversations are so good! Also my car could probably use a tune-up ;)

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  2. I absolutely love this. Especially calling a friend that I need to catch-up with. :)

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  3. Love the wall paper framing idea! :)

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  4. The wall paper idea is awesome! Speaking of pen pals, are you part of International Geek Girl Pen Pals Club?

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  5. Totally did most of these! :-D Need to find something stripey! Btw, just found your bloggy and loving it, you're an awesome lady and I love reading your posts!

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  6. Yes to wearing stripes! I agree, I love these lists too. So many creative and practical ideas. I have all this extra vintage fabric left over from hemming dresses, that I think I am going to frame's much too pretty to throw away!

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  7. All of these sound like inspiring and great ways to make your month interesting! I have high expectations for March and I'm very much looking forward to it :)
    Olivia | Her Name Was Celebration

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  8. What wonderful suggestions!

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