Write Birthday Surprises

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

As I've mentioned before a) my boy lives in another town and b) it was his birthday not too long ago. He was also working on his birthday, so I made this to surprise him, and make the whole week a little more special and enjoyable. What is this though? Well, it's envelopes, tacked onto pasteboard. But that's not what's special. Like with people, it's what's inside that counts.

The surprises were designed to be thoughtful, low-cost (there were five days after all, and someone grumbles he doesn't like attention on his birthday), and, most importantly, flat. So Monday was a handwritten note in a birthday card.

Tuesday, the ante was upped a little with a coffee card.

Wednesday, was a Tintin-themed surprise. Like many this past Christmas season, we had all packed into movie theaters to see the Speilburg film, but in fact, my family has been Tintin obsessed since I can remember. The Boy has been required to become a little more closely acquainted with Tintinology (don't laugh! It's a real word.), so these cleverly packaged sweets seemed like a fun inside joke!

But, Thursday, is where it got real fun. A scavenger hunt! No matter the age, consider a scavenger hunt as a present-giving surprise! They don't have to be long or even very trickily (and trust me, what you think is super easy is often only super-easy-looking because you thought of it. Others might not think so...). This scavenger hunt was only about five clues long, but he was amazed that clues had been hidden in his house, and a few clues even got interactive elements with a friend posting one clue on Facebook and another had a clue only a phone call away. The "prize" was a surprise date at a favorite restaurant.

Mail-7 Mail-3

Friday was the big B-day, so the plan had originally been instructions for a fun, silly night-in after he got done with work (throwing an event for the non-profit he works at, if you were curious).... as it turns out, we have not done this date yet, instead opting to visit his parent. BUT IT WILL HAPPEN. Don't worry about that. And doesn't fort building seem like, with the right lighting and a sense of humor, it's the kind of thing where something childish all of the sudden turns whimsical and romantic?

A week of little surprises can be a great way to remind someone you're thinking of them. What other ideas do you all have of things to put into a week's worth of envelopes?

1 comment

  1. What an adorable post, I think it's really sad a lot of people don't write handwritten cards or letters anymore. I think this is such a cute idea and I wish I had handwriting that nice..hehe

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