Weekend Review: Birthday Surprises

Monday, September 3, 2012

Angry Hanks Microbrew Microbrew
Birthday Boquet
Birthday Card Burthday Puzzle
Wish Magazine
Shannon's Pizza Alice in Wonderland
Newton Lake

This weekend was my birthday; I'm now 27! Which, since everyone made a point of saying "You're getting old now!" must mean I'm on the downhill side of life! Well, I'll put up with it the best I can; I'm actually sure that it will be a fabulous year just like my 25th and 26th have both been (and, everyone who said I was old was older than me, but politeness kept me from point out this logic failure.)

The Boy surprised me in such a lovely way! He snuck into my workplace eeeeearly in the morning and left a gorgeous bouquet and this card with a birthday puzzle on the other side! Who doesn't love a puzzle? We went up to Billings after work to eat Thai food and try  microbrews (Angry Hank's has the funniest names for their brews. "Anger Management" and "Street Fighting Red" being only two such). The next day was spent visiting with my grandmother, who is temporarily hospitalized in this town but who is doing well. We also hunted garage sales and flea markets with minimal luck. Did get a little of nature this Labor Day Weekend with an early morning shoot at Newton Lake on Sunday. An early visit meant less smoke than later in the day, so hooray! The rest of Sunday was spent indoors, watching the new season of Doctor Who with our good friend, Shannon. She even made some yummy pizza for the occasion! Anyone else geeky about the Doctor?

Hope your long weekends are going just swimmingly! Can't wait to hear about them all. The rest of this one will be spent getting some fun new surprises for the blog put together, so keep tuned in this coming week!


  1. I L.O.V.E the Doctor! I always have it DVR'd so I never miss an episode. Kristian, I started watching Doctor Who longer ago than you've had birthdays. (Make you feel better about being 27 now?) The new season started with a very good, exciting episode. Matt Smith has turned out to be a very good Doctor. At first I wasn't too sure about him. Millie

    Reply Delete
  2. Great photos, thanks for visiting my blog!


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  3. Aww you have a very sweet boy :) Sounds like the perfect birthday!


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  4. Happy Birthday!! Your flowers are beautiful!!

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  5. I love all these Instagram photos!




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  6. These are all sooo beautiful!!!

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  7. Lovely pics!!!! so beautiful!!! kisses xxx

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  8. Colleen and I love Dr Who too. But she really doesn't like Matt Smith (he's kind of grown on me). It was kind of sad watching it this weekend without her around though.

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