Q+A: Five Books Woman Should Own

Monday, September 9, 2013

Confession time: I am a -bibliophile, addicted to books, in need of more shelving. However you want to define it, it doesn't matter. I'm guilty as a charged. But I'm also guilty of chronic rereading. All my favorites have dog eared pages, broken spines and even sections memorized. Oh, I love stories where I can sit down in a favorite chair in the front room of a beloved character's home as if it were my own. Still, one should read to grow; I want to branch out and dive into some of your favorite books. So I asked several fellow bloggers- what are five books every woman must own? My own answer (concluded only after much agonizing) might be: Le Petit Prince, Pride and Prejudice, The Harry Potter Series, Emily of Deep Valley, and the bible, or other religious book of your faith. Or Finding Darwin's God if you want to know more about evolution. Here's what they say:
 Q+A5books, books, woman, bloggers

Jen of Jennifheish:

When I was younger my mom always sent me to bed with a bowl of fruit and a stack of books as high as my head. It caused me to develop a love for reading and going on literary adventures apart from my everyday life. I'm always drawn to books that rely on the depth of the characters rather than the storyline. My Top 5 books that people must absolutely own would be (1) The Little Prince, (2) Pride and Prejudice, (3) To Kill a Mockingbird, (4) Tuesdays with Morrie, and (5) the Harry Potter books (because I have a soft spot for the series). 

Lindsey of Hello Mr. Rabbit:  

My all time favorite novel is Atonement by Ian McEwan. I believe McEwan is a mastermind at setting the scenes, finding beauty in all aspects throughout the timeline, and the film adaptation was perfection. The coffee table book, Influence by Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, has inspired me throughout the years. I had quite an obsession with the twins in the past, and their interviews with  Diane von Furstenberg and  Karl Lagerfeld are my favorites to read. My favorite female writer is Sylvia Plath, so naturally The Bell Jar would be on my top favorites. This piece of work should be on every woman's bookshelf; it helps women identify that they are not alone and bring light to some of these issues that are currently still in society today. My childhood, and most cherished book, is T he Secret Garden  by  Frances Hodgson Burnett.  The fact that this piece of literature shows the world that anyone can give and receive love, is meaningful enough to buy again at an older age. Last but not least, PETA'S Vegan College Cookbook has saved me so many times in the past. This cruelty-free, simple as pie, and cheap ingredients cookbook is perfect for even non-vegans and aimed for those are on a tight-budget. 

.books, five books, five, woman, should own, photo credit: green_is_in via photopin cc

I'm not as big on owning books now that I can carry them digitally, but there are a few I continue to drag around with me from place to place. JD Salinger's Franny & Zooey is excellent - it's short enough to read again and again since it's a combination of a short story and small novella. And Franny is still amazingly relevant. Next would be Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland, ideally the annotated version. It's a good story, and the annotations are just ever so interesting. Everyone needs a good laugh - Mindy Kaling's book Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me is easy to relate to and hilarious. I'm also a manga fan - Fullmetal Alchemist is one of the best stories I've read and probably my favorite manga. If you are into that, then that's the manga I believe you must own, but if you don't like graphic novels, well then, you probably won't like a graphic novel! And this isn't a book you read, but it's definitely one you need - The Grit Cookbook.

Suzanne of Suzanne Carillo Files:

The five books that influenced me most in my life are; The Picture of Dorian Gray, Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance, The Outsiders, The Little Prince and How To Win Friends and Influence People. 

The Picture of Dorian Gray became my inspiration for all of my late teens and early twenties which could be described best by this quote,   “The only way to get rid of temptation is to yield to it.”  - Oscar Wilde. This became my mantra at the time. Yes they were wild and crazy times (not like today mind you...I was no Miley Cyrus!) but that is what youth is for and I don't regret any of it. 

Zen And The Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance was the basis for many a long wonderful discussion about life and where it takes us. Grab a big glass of wine and prepare to stretch your brain. I've read this multiple times and each time I discover something new.

The Outsiders is just a fabulous intense page devouring read that captures the innocence of youth and loss thereof beautifully. My favourite bit is the poem by Robert Frost, Nothing Gold Can Stay. The book is way better than the movie.

How To Win Friends and Influence People was the self help book before they were popular. My Dad gave it to me to read when I was a kid. I've read this at least three times but I should probably be reading it daily, there are so many easy practical solutions for improving your life and providing much needed perspective.

The Little Prince I read first in French with my then boyfriend and now husband some 23 years ago, so it has an extra soft spot in my heart. This book always makes me cry...but in a good way.

What about you? Share your favorite books- whether they are guilty pleasures, classics, or life altering ones- in the comments below! 


  1. I'm sure the Harry Potter series counts as more than one book ^^



    Reply Delete
    1. In expense- yes. But it is truly one story! So.... I think it should count as one, right? :D

  2. I don't think it was a big secret anymore Kristian, haha. But I admire you for all the reading you do. I am not much of a reader. The only books I've read with true dedication were the Harry Potters series when I was in my early teens. Oh, and The Hunger Games and that was even before the movies were announced! I should take you as an example and read more often. It might help me calm down sometimes and catch my breath. xo

    Reply Delete
    1. Sadly haven't been doing as much reading since I "grew up" but it calms me down.

      Did you enjoy the Hunger Games? I've only read one book, but have always been unsure if it would make me feel too sad to read the rest. Are you excited for the next film to come out?

  3. Love Pride and Prejudice and Harry Potter :)

    Reply Delete
    1. P&P for the Win!

      Now, you are a voracious reader. What other books would YOU recommend?

  4. Oh, The Secret Garden is an excellent book. I have to pull out that one and A Little Princess and read them over every now and then. :-) To Kill and Mockingbird and Alice in Wonderland are such great reads too.

    I'm amazed at how many people love The Little Prince. Must go investigate now...

    Reply Delete
    1. Oh, you will LOVE The Little Prince.

      A Little Princess!! As much as I adore the Secret Garden, the Little Princess was my favorite of Hodgeson's books growing up (though, to be fair, I only ever read those two, Little Lord Fauntley and one about a prince so....)

      Are those books you mentioned your five, or do you have some other recs too?

  5. The Secret Garden is one of my favourite, I adore this book since school!
    Thank You for sharing such a nice post, now I definitely know what I will read next)
    Wish you a blessed day ahead!


    Reply Delete
  6. Kristian! You have to read the rest of the Hunger Games....truly. <3 They are also all one story. Top five books...this would be a difficult choice.

    Reply Delete
    1. I know I should. They are hard for me to get into though.

      Also, I totally demand a top five from you :P

  7. Oh Kristian, this is such a cool post! I love that you asked people to share their favorite books, and there is a great mix of classics and easy reading mentioned. Reading a good book makes me feel so, so content, which today seems not as simple!

    Trying to brainstorm quickly a great recommendation...Water For Elephants! Read that on on a plane last year. Had to "ration" it as to not read through it too quickly. Great post, I love this idea!!

    perfectly priya

    Reply Delete
    1. I've heard such good things about Water for Elephants! Will have to check it out.

  8. <3 first thanks for asking me to do this.

    second love this. the little prince! That's a good one! A lot of classics we all listed. I see a trend :D

    Reply Delete
    1. It was funny to see it come up over and over again, but who doesn't love the Fox and his wisdom?


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