Cinema Style: How to Marry a Millionaire (Take Two!)

Friday, February 21, 2014

A rom com with three of Hollywood's best actresses all dressed in all the latest fashion and a runway show in the story itself? Please. How to Marry a Millionaire has been featured on Cinema Style before, but has too much style for only one post- so let Take Two Begin- this time with the focus on the trio's ringleader, Schaltze, played by Lauren Becall!

It is Schaltze who comes up with the scheme to get the girls married to millionaires- because she was burned in the past by a man who took all her money and left her by quite literally by the side of the road. She likes to act posh, thinking it will attract men with moolah, but her real self is a lot more casual, which comes through in both of  outfits.
How to Marry a Millionaire, cinema style, movie, film, Lauren Becall, never fully dressed, withoutastyle,

Earrings (Similar Here), Scarf, Sweater, Belt, Skirt, Bracelet, Shoes

This outfit has subtle hints of sophistication- mainly in the accessories. Still, an outfit of separates with an understated color palette can easily transition to be appropriate for most any occasion formal or informal.

How to Marry a Millionaire - 1953 - schatze blue

Make no mistake, Schaltze can dress to the nines, but keeps it casual for a night in, gabbing on the phone. This is a look that's pretty timeless, and could see you through today too. Channel a little of Schaltze's gutsy attitude with this tongue-in-cheek phone cover too, perfect for your nights in.

Phone Case, Shirt, Pants, Ring and Bracelet, Shoes


  1. Her style really stood out in that film. And you're right, they were such classic outfits.

    Great updated versions you've put together.

    Have a great weekend!


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  2. Lauren has got undeniable chic. To every character she played, she gave her own style.

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  3. Lauren Bacall oozes sophistication!

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