Month in Review: April 2016

Saturday, April 30, 2016

Long time no... write, I guess.  Some of you may have guessed I'd quit blogging and, well, some of you would have been right. That was the intention anyway. I knew when I got my job last year (my job that I love, but which is very time intensive) that NFD's days were likely numbered and certainly that was reflected in the lessening of posts, so, when I didn't get anything done for a few weeks it seemed like a good time to ghost out, but....Ironically, I quit my hobby for my job but when, at my job, we were recently asked to filled out a questionnaire  that asked what our hobbies were and I couldn't put any of this down anymore and that... didn't seem right.

I missed it.  I missed the documentation and reflection.  I missed the routine and sharing- being part of the conversation too.  So, a here's another post and finding a voice again. It'll be a bit to find a balance that works. Goodness knows it hasn't been found in the last few months. But in the meantime- Hello. How have you all been?

.... Anyway, back to your regularly scheduled programming, complete with this month's links list.

Links To Spring Into

Welcome to Jackson Hole.... China? 

Edible Spoons could reduce plastic in landfills

Also- pencils that become plants

I taught English in The Czech Republic... which is now Czechia. Not sure what to think about that.

A library for color (and there's a color made from mummies...just sayin'.)

A new Caravaggio has been discovered?! One expert thinks so!

Harriet Tubman to go on the twenty dollar bill

Would you wear pants to your wedding?

Teaching code to prisoners could be an innovative way to rehabilitate.

Female soccer players make less money than male players but produce more revenue

Breaking down film dialogue by gender

And if you don't like dialogue, you can watch silent movies here


  1. You have been missed!

    We have to remember that blogging consists of self imposed deadlines and goals. Blogging is flexible. Make it work with your life, however sporadic.


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  2. Agree with the above. Don't make it a huge priority if it stresses you out but also don't forget about it if you love it and are passionate about it! I know how difficult it is to get posts out all the time, especially when you have so many things in the "real world" to get around to!

    Anywho, missed you! Hope that all is getting better for you. <3

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  3. I'm so glad you're back! A job has to come first, but it's always nice to see a post from you :)

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