Rec Five: Things to put in a guest room

Friday, April 21, 2017

1) Wifi Password and contact information- Living in a digital age, the wifi password is often the first thing a guest will ask for. We have a print out that we provide and leave in the room along with other items in a tray. Also, consider including your contact information on that same sheet of paper, on the off-chance your guests don't have it and need you.

2) Towels and toiletries- These are the other items we include on a tray for the guest room. Sometimes you forget things on a trip, so a little collection of travel-sized toiletries can be a life-saver for your guest. Providing them with a towel just seems like common sense- that way no one ends up towel-less and wet in the morning!

3) Fresh Flowers- Guest rooms are typically not the most used rooms in your home, and can seem stale as a result. Flowers are living things that seem bright and welcoming.

4)  Bottle of water and snacks- Save a thirsty or hungry guest from the awkwardness of trying to hunt around your kitchen for a glass or midnight snack!

5) Universal Charger or a charging dock- After the password, a charger is the most often asked for item my guests request.

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