What I Wore: To Moonrise Kingdom

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Moonset-12 Moonset2Collage Moonset-7 RealMoonset1 Collage

What I Wore: Bowler Hat (The Hat Shop), Cardigan and necklace (Local boutique, The Hen House), belt (vintage), skirt (GAP, old) and boots (JCP)

I don't go to the movies often. Not because I don't like movies; its just nothing ever comes here. So color me shocked when we saw on the marquee Moonrise Kingdom was playing! I'm going to tell you what the blogosphere has already told you (honestly, you were probably telling me this two months ago when you all saw it). It is a delightful film, a feast for the eyes, with a wonderful soundtrack (anyone else have also have a recording of A Young Person's Guide to the Orchestra as a kid?), and most of all, it is an off-beat, yet touching story.

Ironically, we took these shots before we knew of the film's presence in town. September/October is the Harvest Moon, and this is actually moonset (anyone else questioning whether this is a word? There's sunrise, sunset, and moonrise too, but what about "moonset"?), at the early dawn, contrary to what the title of this post tells you.

The outfit is a little funkier than I usual go, but had some of my favorite fall things- goldenrod coloring, boots, hats, and layers. What are your fall favorites?


  1. Great outfit for going to the movies-love the boots!!!! These photos are awesome, which camera do you use?

    Reply Delete
    1. I don't take most of the pictures; The Boy does. I just benefit, I guess!

      Here is what he told me:

      Camera: Canon 5D Mark III (and sometimes a Canon 7D)
      Lens: "Canon 70-200 IS L 2.8" (and sometimes a "Canon 24-105 IS L 4.0")
      Software: Adobe Lightroom 4

    2. Dang girl, you got mad gear! JEALOUS. I want a 7d so badly (well actually a 5d, but then my lenses wouldn't work). Is your boyfriend a photographer?

    3. The answer is....soooort of. He works as the only full-time adult employee of a student-run organization that's bankrolled by wealthy local citizens. It is to encourage kids to be drug-free through positive reinforcement and positive peer pressure; basically they provide the kids who sign a contract to be drug free with a lot of benefits like discounts, events and...photos. For some reason having Amos act like their own paparazzi is hugely encouraging to kids. So, among other things, Amos does all of their event photography.

  2. This is a really cute outfit, I am obsessed with the boots! Found you over at the lovely Treasure Tromp :)


    Reply Delete
  3. Cute outfit, love the boots.


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  4. I love these colors and the hat - amazing outfit! :)

    Xx, Saritschka.

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  5. amazing outfit and photos! I love the one where you are looking up at the moon, amazing!!

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  6. what an amazing set of photos!! I really love the location AND your outfit!
    I still haven't seen Moonrise Kingdom, but it's on my list of movies to see before the end of the year :)

    Reply Delete
  7. Love the color combo; subtle and cute <3

    Smile On:)...Classy Pam


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  8. great outfit and what an awesome background!

    Sandy a la Mode

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  9. I'd never heard of that movie because with no TV I actually never hear of any movies, well except avengers because a co-worker keeps talking about it but anyway, thanks, that looks sweet so I will add it to my list : ) and... moonrise I'd never considered that. Actually there is something really strange about AZ - that you see the moon in the middle of the day sometimes. I'll have to photograph it sometime I remember. and anyway, I love this outfit on you- a great mix of colors and that skirt is just perfect and a great touch w/ the boots. That last shot of your staring off is beautiful too.

    Reply Delete
  10. Hattitude Style Blog

    loooove this outfit. it's so my scene! mustard skirt. purpley cardigan. a hat!? swoon!

    moonrise is the best. girl you need to get out more ha. looper is up next. it's so original and FANTASTIC! if you like sci-fi which i LOVE.

    talk soon wild child

    Hattitude Style Blog

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  11. Love that skirt! Wasn't that a great movie?

    xo Jennifer


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  12. I absolutely love your colors in this outfit. I am still in love with your settings! And Moonrise Kingdom was so wonderful as is every Wes Anderson film.

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  13. I got so excited when I saw the title of this post, I LOVED Moonrise Kingdom! This outfit is the perfect complement to the film, that skirt especially is gorgeous. I also love sweater, it's such a great color.

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  14. Love the colors and the whole outfit - gorgeous!

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  15. OMG that tele picture of you looking towards to sky - beautiful! Stunning photographs as usual!

    Nora Finds

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  16. love these photos and the vintage belt and cardigan are awesome!

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